One the reasons I started this station was to highlight these K-Tel albums---not only as relics of a by-gone era but also a celebration of a pop-cultural phenomenon that all of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s were a part. Adventures in Vinyl was born.
The first episode of Adventures in Vinyl aired on this station in February of 2011. The concept was simple: I'll play an entire K-Tel album while placing the album in the year it was released with news, pop culture, movies and music. We have aired over 30 episodes with many more to come.
Now, we are excited to announce that these episodes are available on-demand via Mixcloud. Ever. Single. Episode.
Now, you don't have to wait for the episode to air, You can listen at any time. The current episode is loaded in the player. If you want to see the other albums, click the "up next" and scroll through the list.